Arlen Specter is an Idiot

May 14, 2008

Yeah, that’s right, I said it.  And it’s true.  This guy just won’t stop.  Get over it.  The Eagles lost the Super Bowl.  This is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve heard.  We’re talking about sports.  We’re talking about video signals.  We’re not talking about drugs in the form of steroids, and we’re certainly not talking about things like… well, real issues.  If you want to know why congress has such low approval ratings, this is why.  Nobody wants to see Specter speak, not even Patriots haters.  Everybody is sick of this idiot.  He has no idea what he is talking about.  He is the perfect example of someone who tries to abuse his power.

In case you are wondering what spurred this rant, it is what Specter said about opening an independent investigation.  ESPN reports:

Hold on, NFL. Spygate isn’t over. Not if the “incensed” Philadelphia Eagles fan in Congress has anything to do with it.

Sen. Arlen Specter on Wednesday called for an independent investigation of the New England Patriots’ taping of opposing coaches’ signals, possibly similar to the high-profile Mitchell report on performance-enhancing drugs in baseball.

“I have documented the strong factual case that a NFL investigation was neither objective nor adequate,” Specter told on Wednesday evening. “If the commissioner doesn’t move for an independent investigation, then there will be a permanent black mark on the NFL and the Patriots’ record will be historically tainted. Depending on the public reaction, I may ask the Senate Judiciary Committee to hold hearings on the NFL antitrust exemption.”

At an earlier news conference in the Capitol, Specter put it bluntly: “What is necessary is an objective investigation. And this one has not been objective.”

The Pennsylvania Republican was unforgiving of his criticism of NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, saying that Goodell has made “ridiculous” assertions that wouldn’t fly “in kindergarten.” The Senator said Goodell was caught in an “apparent conflict of interest” because the NFL doesn’t want the public to lose confidence in the league’s integrity.

“They are enormous role models for everybody,” Specter said. “If you can cheat in the NFL, you can cheat in college, you can cheat in high school, you can cheat on your grade-school math test. There’s no limit as to what you can do. I think they owe the public a lot more candor and a lot more credibility.”

Black mark? Role models?  This guy is talking out of his ass.  If you’ve followed this blog over the last eight months, you’ll know that I haven’t spoken a word about Specter.  All along, I haven’t respected what he’s said, so I just chose to say nothing about it at all.

But this is absurd.  I decided I finally had to speak out.  I understand that this post is simply a rant, and a very controversial one, but I just can’t stand Specter’s ignorance.

So Arlen, if you read this, calm down.  A congressional investigation won’t change the result of the Super Bowl, it’s over buddy.